**Sorry, while you’re explaining, I am busy talking/chatting with my seatmate, I am not paying attention to you, can you repeat your explanation?

1. I am absent during the OJT Orientation, what will happen?

You need to submit an excuse slip (signed by your parents) stating why you are ABSENT to your Professor. You need to attend the OJT orientation AGAIN.

2. I don’t have company for OJT?

Check the list from the School or ICEP or Center for Career Services (former name) for the list of companies with MOA and is accepting OJT.

3. If I enrolled the OJT and failed to get one company what will happen?

You FAILED (5) the OJT for that period/term/semester.

RE-ENROLL again NEXT term.

4. Can I have OJT in any company I wish?

NO ! ONLY company with signed Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) and filed in ICEP, or else not valid. No MOA no OJT, No Grade, No exemption !

5. What is an OJT Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA)?

It is a LEGAL document agreed and SIGNED by BOTH parties on the terms and conditions of OJT.

6. How long (referring to time period) to process the MOA?

Usually one quarterm (from invitation, orientation, legal approval to signing). Not advisable for the current term (enrolled) OJT. It should be done one (sometimes two) semester in ADVANCE by the potential OJT as a liaison between the school and the host company.

7. Can I have the OJT without enrolling?

Definitely NO, NOT allowed. NOT VALID.

8. Can I render overtime during my OJT ? Even If, that due to the nature of the assigned project, I may have to perform my training outside regular working hours and/or days.

NO you CANNOT render OJT overtime. WITHIN 8am to 5pm or 7am to 4pm or 9am to 6pm. Working after 6pm is definitely NOT allowed. Monday to Friday only. OJT during Saturday is NOT allowed. If you work beyond these period, it is NOT counted as official time.

Only MAXIMUM EIGHT (8) HOURS a day is ALLOWED per day.

9. I only started my OJT on the 4 th week of the term, what will happen?

You will NOT be able to finish and completely submit ALL the requirements. You will get a grade of Incomplete or worst consequences DEPENDING ON YOUR PERFORMANCE. Fast tracking by OVERTIME is NOT allowed.

NOTE: If time exceeds, ONLY eight (8) hours per day is counted.

All OJT activities will END at WEEK 13 of each term. NO week #14.

10. What is a waiver? To students (OJT) did you READ the WAIVER ?

An act or instance of waiving a right or claim. Yes (YOU MUST) read it. By signing the waiver, you and your parents agree you will be responsible for your own safety while inside the company premises. You agreed to observe safety at ALL times.

11. What is normal dress code of the host company?

Do not wear sando, shorts, slippers, sandals of related fashion and strictly observed the minimum dress code of the host company. Wear minimum of polo shirt, maong or slack pants. If in doubt, ask the manager/supervisor, human resource or HR of the host company for the definite dress code.

12. I am allowed to bring out tools, PPE, ballpens, papers or any company property outside?

NO, it may be misinterpreted as pilferage (act of stealing company property). When in doubt, ask for a WRITTEN gate pass (or written authorization). Verbal permission may cast doubt on the person’s authority to bring out company properties, hence, a need for the written gate pass.

13. Can I bring home my ID and/or time card outside the company?

Most usually NO. When in doubt, ask authorized company officers if this item is allowed to be brought outside the company premises. Ask permission if you need to photocopy it.

14. Is in-fighting, more so spreading rumor/gossip inside the company allowed?

In-fighting more so spreading rumor/gossip inside the company is subject to school’s disciplinary action. The host company may also ask you to leave their premises. You will get failed grade (5) and REPEAT the whole OJT process again in another accredited company.

15. Can I download/upload any software in the company computer?

Lot of companies do NOT even allow your USB in their computer, you will be penalize for spreading virus into their computer system. Do not use any social media (Facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, facetime, discord, snapchat, email sites and the like) using the company computer. When in doubt ask permission first. Reminder, the company’s IT department can track your internet/intranet activities.

16. Can I take pictures inside company premises?

ASK PERMISSION FIRST, if you will be allowed to take picture/s.

17. Can I enroll any other subjects during my OJT period?

NO, you are NOT allowed to enroll or overlapped or even time conflict any subjects during your OJT period.

18. Can I be absent during my OJT period?

Inform (ASAP), whichever was allowed (i.e. write/call/sms/text/EMAIL) the company officer in ADVANCE and your professor (EMAIL only), before you commit this/these absence/s. Remember, schools’ policy regarding absences allows 20% if exceeds, you failed the OJT. (Read student policy manual on attendance)

**Sorry, while you’re explaining, I am busy talking/chatting with my seatmate, I am not paying attention to you, can you repeat your explanation?

19. What is the training evaluation?


This refers to YOUR performance rating provided by the COMPANY where grade was accomplished by YOUR immediate boss/manager/supervisor.

20. Upon start of the OJT, why do I need to provide the following information and email it immediately (ASAP) to your professor?

The purpose is to check BOTH manual and online training evaluation. I wrote BOTH (that’s TWO) …….. repeatedly.

21. Suggest what common OJT traits (READ: ATTITUDE ! ) desirable to the company?

This is the essence of the whole program, developing the attitude within you. There will be more from your company superior, I only enumerated the following:

Point out a problem but bring solutions. Problems you highlight to your superior without your recommended solutions merely construes as complains. So before approaching them with the problem, make sure you already thought of suggested solutions to solve it. (A.) Be nice to “co-employee”. This is not just a good work habit, but also applicable to your life outside of work. It is already a common courtesy and by doing so can give you better chances of people wanting you on their team, and they tend to go out of their way to help you in time of need. You can start this off by greeting everyone with a smile. (B.) Volunteer for assignments. This could label you as a keen learner who is unafraid of hard work. But first assess on your own skills and knowledge before volunteering on an assignment (practice safety at all times !). It is best to be confident about yourself when completing a volunteered task. (C.) Finish things by being decisive. Being decisive would mean having the ability to firmly decide with speed and clarity. (D.) Decision-making is oftentimes crucial, so it is better to observe and analyze all the information available and then decide on the best course of action. Although there are risks for decisions to have negative results, the important thing is to learn from it and to avoid doing the same thing all over again. (E.) Practice safety ALL the time (again !), it will cast doubt on your technical capability, if you disregard safety for yourself and peers. (F.) Punctuality and absences whether PERMITTED or not.

Companies I worked with, place premium on the following order; attitude, safety and technical know-how. Remember, your work attitude will definitely define who you are. As they say, “First impression last”.

22. Can I ask/request/initiate for OJT compensation, meal, travel, transportation allowances, and accommodations?

23. What is common expectation from a company OJT program?

Primarily, its application from theory to practice and promotion of life long learning. Second, common company OJT program include: (A.) A policy statement that describes the purpose of OJT and emphasizes the company’s support for it. (B.) A clear specification of who is accountable for conducting OJT. (C.) A thorough implementation of OJT safety, work rules/security practices. (D.) Work on company training plans, checklists, audits, procedure manuals, learning contracts and progress work report for use by employees and OJT. (E). Training evaluation of OJTs’ level of basic skills. (F) Some may even train the use of work software as an added bonus !

24. What is a Learning Journal? (I use the word trainee here)

It is ONE OF THE major requirements that documents practices of company On-the-Job (OJT) program training and preparing for instruction by (A.) Break down the job into important detailed steps. (B.) Prepare the necessary equipment, devise, tool, software, materials and supplies etc. (C.) How much time you devote to OJT work and when you expect to be competent in skill areas. Written learning journal (more than 300 WORDs PER DAY) may involved; 1. Tell the trainees (or OJT) the objective of the task and ask you to watch and demonstrate it. 2. Show the trainees how to do it. 3. Explain the key points or learning experience. (Write out the key learning points for the trainees) 4. How the trainees do it again. 5. Have the trainees do one more single parts of the task and praise them for correct reproduction. 6. Have the trainees do the entire task and assess them for correct production. 7. If mistakes are made, have the trainees practice until accurate reproduction is achieved. 8. Praise the trainees for their success in learning the task.

25. I was assigned the SAME TASK with my fellow OJT, can just copy his/her learning journal ?

NO ! that is CHEATING, Subject to school disciplinary action and sanction. You failed (5).

26. When do I need to submit the learning journal? Via what mode of submission? What file format?

TO BE GIVEN PRIORITY: Email every Saturday (do not submit in ADVANCE), use your ONLY ONE email address. With file format; File name should be….NAME WEEK #.doc/pdf. and SUBMIT to your BLACKBOARD Account. Student who are in extended or COMPLETION mode, where in previous blacboard is not available, submit ONLY to edang20@gmail.com.

Secondary: The school also requires OJT to submit a copy in PDF format to your blackboard account. So, stay TUNED with your blackboard account.

27. Why is it sometimes I failed to send the learning journal via email?

Most likely your service provider (wifi connection) is very slooowww and you close your email before you even send it. Your email was stuck in outbox (or draft). Always check your SEND email (or SENT items or SENT mail), before you close it.

Don’t make excuses that you send it on wrong email address. This NOT acceptable, since the beginning, every potential OJT was required to send PRE WORK instructions, this to establish a good connection between the OJT Coordinator and YOU.

28. What is the common OJT problems encountered in the company?

The following are problems encountered not limited to the following: (A.) Lack of congruency between skills competencies learned in engineering. (B.) Lack of coordination between academic and the partner industry. (C.) No work plan (or not following the training model plan) clearly presented to the OJT along training requirements, expected attitude, behavior and placement. (D.) Lack of supervision on the OJT’s work performance. (E.) Lack of identified local shops and industries where OJT’s area of competencies in the engineering areas are needed. (F.) Work assignments of OJT’s include menial and unrelated jobs. (G.) Lack of options for OJT’s to choose their work assignments in the partner industry. (H.) Financial difficulties among OJT’s. (I.) Lack of administrative support to OJT’s. (J.) Failure of the company to sign the WAIVER before the start of OJT period, resulting to incomplete grade or NOT valid, meaning repeat OJT in other company. (it is imperative the everyone SIGNED the WAIVER). (K.) Late acceptance of the OJT. (L.) The company forgot our fast term system (so keep REMINDING THEM or always follow it up!). (M.) The company has so many OJTs inside hence, no vacancy available. (N.) Far travelling distance and lack of transport system to and from the work location. (O.) Worst case scenario, previous batch set a BAD impression (precedent) to our school, usually companies don’t remember specific OJT name, but they remember our SCHOOL NAME.

29. When is the official GRADING period of the OJT?

OJT grades were submitted one week BEFORE START of FINAL exam. Grades are already submitted. NO EXTENSION.

30. What is a FINAL report? What are the contents ? Report format ?

You final report is the summary work (including other special work) you have accomplished during the OJT period. Submit BOTH email and Blackboard and other Technical Reports as available from the company. Contents may include: Technical Work/Technical Audit/Survey Sheet/ Policies/Technical Studies/Computations/Presentations /Designs. etc. Strictly follow our official FINAL REPORT FORMAT, like title page/cover page, acknowledgement, etc, see separate website (its long list, check your previous email memo).


31. What is the exception of confidential?

Only share it to your OJT Coordinator ONLY (details via learning journal) and/or final report.

32. What is a PRE requirements?

It is a PREliminary requirements before the start of the OJT, not limited to; like Certificate of Acceptance, WAIVER FULLY SIGNED by everyone (including ICEP), recommendation letter and OJT Time Schedule. (SEE separate COMPLETE list of OJT requirements)

33. What is a FINAL requirements?

FINAL requirements, not limited to; like Certificate of Completion, Company Evaluation, Student (YOUR) Evaluation, Technical Report BOTH email and Blackboard, ID/TIME CARD (if you have it photocopied), OTHER requirement/documents as given by the host company. Timely submission is a ONE OF THE MAJOR requirements for the passing the OJT. (SEE separate COMPLETE list of OJT requirements)

34. What is Certificate of Completion (COC) format?

There is no form for the COC, but it should, in minimum PRINTED IN COMPANY LETTER HEAD, signed with DATE issued by the authorized company officer with job title, the following: (submit the ORIGINAL for verification)

I hereby certify that name of ojt has successfully completed 240 or more HOURS of on-the-job training for the period of (inclusive OJT date).

This certification is/was issued upon the request of name of OJT for whatever legal purpose it may serve. (or academic purpose is ok too) (signature of officer and indicate job position)

35. Can I submit fake/falsified documents?

Do NOT even think about it ! Every documents submitted will be verified (via write/ call/sms/text/visit/meeting/ email) for the next two (or more) semesters. If found out to be fake/falsified both the Institute and host company will take LEGAL sanctions against you. You will be expelled, if graduated, strip (withdrawal) of diploma. Please do not ruin yourself with ILLEGAL activity.

36. What other advice can you give us?

Practice SAFETY ALL times. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). READ company manual for operations. Ask FIRST before you touch. Do not bring any valuable or expensive techno gadgets or jewelry into the company as it may get lost.

37. Can I send my learning journal or any file via dropbox, boxbe, one drive, google drive, media fire box, sharepoint, or any file sharing platform, cloud storage, online file storage?

NO ! Just email me directly with the attachment.

38. Is the S2S Academy Certificate can be submitted in the other Seminar Certificate?

NO, S2S Certificate is a mandatory requirement seminar that you need to attend and submit in blackboard specific folder for S2S certificate (also email it). OTHER SEMINAR is/are the seminar/s offered by your student organization.

39. What will happen if I exceeded the current week term in my OJT?

Either you receive a grade of incomplete or worst consequences (FAILED GRADE). In case, it is INCOMPLETE, then you can continue your OJT activities up to the NEXT term and file for completion grade during the next regular class. In case, it is FAILED GRADE then you ENROLL OJT again next term.

40. During my completion mode, my previous Blackboard is NOT available, what will I do?

During completion mode, if the PREVIOUS term Blackboard for OJT is NOT available, then SUBMIT ONLY through edang20@gmail.com ONLY.

41. I usually see CCS here in the Q&A write up? What is this?

CCS is the former name of ICEP. It is the same department handling OJT activites.

42. The future or current OJT host company has NO signed MOA with the University can I have my OJT in that company?

NO signed MOA, NO OJT, NO grade credit policy. Do not even start your OJT in that company. OJT time will NOT be counted you get/received failed grade for not following the OJT policy.

43. What will be my grade if I did NOT follow any of the given format?

Worst consequences grade for that specific file/ document. (FAILED GRADE)

44. Where can I get the OJT forms?

See, search and research the FORMS in this website.

45. Can I email you for any immediate issues in my OJT host company?

Yes, any out of the ordinary circumstances or host company violation done to the OJT. Send me email.

46. Can I join any out-of-office or out of town activities in the host company?

NO, this NOT ALLOWED. Inform your host company about this policy.

47. I am currently a working student, can I count this in my OJT hours?

48. The company wants (or express intention) to hire me, during my OJT term, can I count this in my OJT hours?

49. What is ICEP? What is CCESC?

ICEP is handling OJT activities including paper works. CCESC (or Institute of Life Long Learning etc….) is handling your TOEIC. They are both located in the North ground floor of the University.

50. Is your OJT professor handling TOEIC?

No, ask CCESC about any TOEIC stuff/policy/remedial/retake schedule.

51. I cannot read your numerous Questions and Answers (Q&A) forum here? I did NOT attend your scheduled OJT orientation. What will happen?

You will commit mistakes and therefore will fail (5) this OJT course.

52. All my OJT papers works/permits (including MOA) are complete already, can I do advance OJT without enrolling?

NO. CHED law, only current ENROLLED OJT can have their OJT.

53. Can we have our OJT inside the University?

Yes, OJT in the laboratory, shop work, research facilites, teaching assistant with University supervision is allowed.

54. I am finished with my OJT can I be allowed to take OJT again in another company?

55. Can I use OLD OJT forms?

NO, always ensure that you are using the updated/latest OJT forms.

56. What is a Training Plan?

A Training plan is the description of specific task to be given by your host OJT company, it should have number hours required, specific output deliverables and learning outcomes. It should have MINIMUM 6 weeks (one row per week which is equivalent to 40 hours per week.

So breakdown is as follows: 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, 240 hours for six weeks (minimum) total. (or SIX ROWS)

Some company WILL REQUIRE more than six weeks (or more than 240 hours) of OJT. You have to follow the company policy.

So it is important to discuss the training plan with your OJT host company supervisor/officer, before you even start your OJT. Set the expectation!

Description of Specific Activity/Task
Equivalent Work Hours
Specific Output / Deliverables


***Training Plan is TO BE SIGNED ONCE by concerned authorities, DURING START OF OJT, NOT EVERY WEEK. Remember this is a PLAN, ( so I know it may change) no need to revise and ask to sign. The training plan that has been previously signed is ENOUGH.

57. What is a Learning Outcomes?

An OBE criteria to set the demonstrative results of the student acquired knowledge and skills during OJT immersion period. The learning outcomes should contain any of the following below:

You and your ojt host company can select one or multiple learning outcomes.

A student completing this course should at the minimum be able to:

58. Can the OJT be LATE to report to work in the host company?

NO, that is tardiness, subject to diciplinary actions.

59. Can the OJT be absent in the OJT host company?

NO, follow the University policy in filing for excuse slip. Inform the host company and your OJT coordinator/professor in ADVANCE.

60. If my OJT period will exceed one term (if approved) or will be extended to next term? What will happen?

If the professor will grant extension (need approval). THEN, You will receive a grade of INCOMPLETE and you will continue to submit the Learning Journals and other requirements via EMAIL ONLY. Your current OJT Blackboard will NO longer be accessible for next term.

61. For extended OJT NEXT term what number can be use for week number??

For extended OJT next quarterm continue using week#14, week#15, week 16, week#17 (WHICH EVER IS APPLICABLE) and so on until you finished. SUBMIT only via email edang20@gmail.com

62. If I did NOT submit any learning Journals and other PRE requirements for the current and enrolled term what will happen?

You will receive a grade of 5 (failed). NONE submission (BOTH email and BB) of any PRE-requirements and LEARNING Journals will receive a grade of 5.

63. I have multiple OJT host supervisors, who will evaluate my performance?

ALL OF THEM. Give them EACH evaluation forms. Do NOT modify the performance evaluation forms.

64. I already received a PASSING GRADE from your OJT course. Can I have another round of OJT again?

Since you PASSED. You CANNOT RE-enroll the OJT subject again. You canNOT have an OJT again.

65. Can I have my OJT on my OWN ACCORD.

Not enrolled. NO OJT.

66. For students who received INCOMPLETE “I” grade previous term, what to do?

AFTER submitting (students should validate submission) ALL the requirements, email and follow it up with your OJT coordinator for COMPLETION GRADE FORM of grade. Grade completion will take TWO weeks to process, so if you graduating, plan it with two weeks in advance.

67. There are Time Schedule Sheet and Training Plan, should I process them both? Do they require signatures?

YES, fill in the details of the Time Schedule Sheet and Training Plan and process it BOTH.

68. Can I submit anything in WEEK# 14?

NO, Week # 14 is grade submission. NO submission is allowed anymore.

69. What is YOUR GRADE that I saw in my OJT BLACKBOARD account?

BEFORE the end (WEEK#10) of the CURRENT OJT TERM, SEE your OJT Blackboard status account (check your YOURGRADE).

***If your OJT YOURGRADE is INCOMPLETE, your CHOICE to complete by DEADLINE set by the OJT Adviser, or see you NEXT TERM and continue to submit (via EMAIL) to complete EVERYTHING NEXT TERM. Please keep in touch via edang20@gmail.com and this website.

***If your OJT grade is FAILED, please RE-ENROLL again next term, and do NOT TRY OR ATTEMPT to submit your OLD OR PREVIOUS REPORT/s. PLEASE START NEW AGAIN.


70. I never responded (ghosted) to any email/s of my OJT Coordinator? What will be the consequences?

You will make mistakes, violate and eventually FAIL the OJT Program. My ONLY email address is edang20@gmail.com (NO other email)

71. Can I use MULTIPLE emails in sending my OJT files?

NO, use only ONE email in sending your OJT files.

72. IN CASE you PASSED (CONFIRM IT FIRST ! ) the OJT completion (extended OJT), then get the form in the OJT FORMS (password protect) and READ the picture instructions below on HOW TO FIIL IT UP, COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY. THEN send it to edang20@gmail.com

Do not SEND any completion form/s, if you DID NOT CONFIRM IT with your professor.

You need to submit two forms 1.) REQUEST TO COMPLETE COURSE first, then the 2.) Completion Report Form. see picture below.

I do NOT know where to get these forms, please ask the registrar. Thanks

73. AFTER submitting the completion form back to your professor, WAIT for TWO week to process the grade to your mymapua. Upon receiving the grade in mymapua, email your professor to inform him that the numerical grade is ALREADY in mymapua system. You need to pay the completion fee, before the registrar will change your grade.

*** Other OJT related questions you can think of?

**Sorry, while you’re explaining, I am busy talking/chatting with my seatmate, I am not paying attention to you, can you repeat your explanation?

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