Legal Ages of Consent by Country in Europe

In Europe, the age of consent is the legal age at which an individual is considered mature enough to consent to sex. Sexual relations with someone under the Age of Consent are considered statutory rape, and can result in severe punishment under local laws.

The lowest age of consent in Europe is 14, and the highest age of consent in Europe is 18. For more information and a map, see age of consent laws around the world. Click on any country in the table below for details on the local age of consent.

Country Continent Age Of Consent Close-In-Age Exemption
Italy Europe 14 Yes
Serbia Europe 14 No
Albania Europe 14 No
Austria Europe 14 Yes
Estonia Europe 14 No
Germany Europe 14 No
Hungary Europe 14 Yes
Bulgaria Europe 14 No
Portugal Europe 14 No
Macedonia Europe 14 No
Montenegro Europe 14 No
San Marino Europe 14 No
Liechtenstein Europe 14 No
Bosnia and Heregovina Europe 14 No
France Europe 15 No
Greece Europe 15 Yes
Monaco Europe 15 No
Poland Europe 15 No
Sweden Europe 15 Yes
Croatia Europe 15 Yes
Denmark Europe 15 No
Iceland Europe 15 No
Romania Europe 15 Yes
Slovenia Europe 15 No
Czech Republic Europe 15 No
Slovak Republic Europe 15 No
Spain Europe 16 No
Latvia Europe 16 No
Norway Europe 16 No
Russia Europe 16 No
Andorra Europe 16 No
Armenia Europe 16 No
Belarus Europe 16 No
Belgium Europe 16 No
Finland Europe 16 No
Georgia Europe 16 No
Moldova Europe 16 No
Ukraine Europe 16 No
Lithuania Europe 16 No
Azerbaijan Europe 16 No
Kazakhstan Europe 16 No
Luxembourg Europe 16 No
Netherlands Europe 16 Yes
Switzerland Europe 16 Yes
United Kingdom Europe 16 No
Northern Cyprus Europe 16 No
Cyprus Europe 17 No
Ireland Europe 17 No
Malta Europe 18 No
Turkey Europe 18 No
Vatican City Europe 18 No

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If you are a victim of sexual assault or statutory rape, call the 24-hour RAINN help hotline at 800-656-HOPE