2779918 - GL Account not visible in Customer Invoice Request Basic View

G/L Account disappears after selecting it in the Basic View/ Quick Activity Floorplan (QAF) of a New Manual Invoice.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Customer Invoicing workcenter.
  2. Select the New Manual Invoice view.
  3. In the Quick Action Floorplan, enter all respective data such as account, sales organization etc.
  4. Under Items section in the basic view click on the Add Row button.
  5. Enter any product description, quantity, list price etc.
  6. Still under 'Items' section, select a 'G/L Account' using the dropdown menu.
    Note that your selection vanishes right after you made the selection from the drop down list and the G/L Account' field is now grayed out. W
  7. When you then click on View All.
  8. Navigate to the items tab.
  9. Select the line item and go to the Revenue Assignment sub tab.
  10. You can see that all fields are disabled and all field are empty, the selected G/L Account is not there.


The field GL Account is only supposed to be used in line with Account Assignment Type.
The reason the field goes hidden is because at that point when GL Account is added, there is no Account Assignment determined and this field is mandatory.


This is the system expected behavior.

To solve this, please perform one of the following:

  1. Create a New Manual Invoice.
  2. Enter the expected master data.
  3. Add the G/L Account.
  4. Add an Account Assignment Type.
    Create a New Manual Invoice.
Click on View All.


Customer Invoice, GL Account, Manual Invoice, Kundenrechnung, Sachkonto, Manuelle Rechnungsanforderung , KBA , AP-CI-CI , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1908 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1911 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2002 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2005 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2008